Friday, April 27, 2007

What's the Smell of Clean?

Is it lemony or piney or fantastiky or gladey or is it...? Just what is the smell of clean to you? To me the smell of clean is a long, deep breath with no smell at all. Now that's the clean that you can build a long healthy life on. That's the smell you want your kids getting from the air in your house. Unfortunately it's not the smell most children get to experience.

We get a really good healthy feeling when we've just cleaned our house, but unfortunately we may have just made it more "dirty" than it was before. You wouldn't let your baby play with the toxic chemicals under your sink. Why is it any better for them to play on the floors you just cleaned with those same toxic chemicals?

The EPA says that our homes are 2 to 5, and sometimes even 10, times more polluted than the outdoor environment and we spend up to 90% of our time inside. Did you know that over 90% of poison exposures happen in our homes and bleach is the #1 household chemical involved in these poisonings.

What should we do about the unsafe environments in our homes? Is there a way to clean them up?

I asked Robin to tape the Oprah show last Friday because I had heard Oprah might feature the all natural and safe cleaning products that I was introduced to 28 years ago. These products are an excellent option for folks who are concerned about what their current cleaners are doing to their family's health like I was and yet they still want to get really clean and be gentle on their environment like I did. I like the products so much that I've decided to spread the word and market them myself.

Well the products were highlighted on Oprah's show and the company gave the studio audience a nice starter basket full of household cleaners. Don't you wish you'd been there?

Oprah says she's a big fan of the organic super concentrated Cleaner. "Use a couple of drops of this, and it's amazing," she says. "You can clean the windows. You can clean the counters. … You can clean everything!"

Click here to find out more about this full line of cleaners and the special discounts you can get.

I'll meet you further on up the road.

Jim Hill

1 comment:

Muriel's Musings said...

Jim, Excellent! Very well stated, or as my daughter would say, "FANTASTICO!"

I, too, love the real smell of clean and have been using these cleaners for over 35 years. I feel sorry for anyone who has not discovered them yet. Until now, they've been a well-kept secret.